Surrogacy is a lengthy and sentimental journey that is a massive commitment for both surrogate & intended parents. Giving the gift of life is no simple task. When you agree to become a surrogate you are agreeing to gift your own body, precious time, and valuable energy to a family in need. Any experienced surrogate will testify that surrogacy is a rewarding, yet emotional process. While financial compensation is a huge bonus, most candidates say being able to help a family witness the miracle of life is the most rewarding aspect of the journey. We are seeking women who are altruistic, humble, grounded, dedicated, responsible, reliable, and open to constant communication between agency representatives and intended parents.
We also want to stress that a gestational candidate should be free from preventable stress factors during this taxing period of magnificent responsibility. For example, if you are currently experiencing a divorce or enduring a custody battle it is best to pause the surrogacy journey until major stress has subsided. Surrogacy is a profound journey that demands you are standing rooted on solid ground throughout the journey.
Before filling out our intake form, we suggest reading this post to confirm you are ready to begin the process of becoming a surrogate. We want to make sure you are emotionally, mentally, and physically prepared before embarking on this tumultuous journey. The purpose of this article is to clearly breakdown the qualifications and expectations to help you truly understand your role in helping a couple or intended parent build their family. We want to be helping hand a long the way to help you digest the Ins and Outs smoothly.

Medical & Financial Qualifications
Medical and financial criteria will vary slightly between IVF clinics, however, most clinics will strictly follow the ASRM guidelines. At Patriot Conceptions, we take pride knowing we thoroughly screen gestational candidates using the highest levels of consideration and care to ensure successful results. Qualifications are in place to confirm a candidate is suitable to undergo fertility treatments, procedures, and healthy enough to experience an uncomplicated pregnancy.
At least 21 years of age
Must be in primary childbearing years
U.S Citizen
Non smoker in excellent health
No illicit drug use
No criminal record
Willing to undergo Background Check (including partner)
Healthy BMI
Height of at least 4'11
Healthy reproductive history
Have given birth to 1 child that you are currently raising
History of uncomplicated pregnancies and deliveries
Willing to undergo subcutaneous and intramuscular injections
Willing to commit to a medication regimine
No history of clinical mental illness
Willing to undergo psychological evaluation
Not currently receiving government aid
A solid rule of thumb is to check to see if you are living in a surrogacy friendly state before beginning an application. There are states where surrogacy is absolutely illegal including; New York, Louisiana, and Michigan. While most states are friendly towards surrogacy, laws and contractual agreements vary state to state.
Patriot Conceptions is here for you every single step of the surrogacy journey.
Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.

If you are ready to take the leap, fill out a full application today!
Upon completing the initial and/or full application, a representative will contact you to begin this wild ride.