Breanna Lockwood, the popular micro-influencer behind IVF.Surrogacy.Diary announced last week on her IG account that her mother is carrying her child!
Acting as a surrogate for her daughter Julie, 51, in Breanna's words, breezed through every required test for determining her eligibility to successfully go through the IVF process.
Breanna further went on to mention how she and her husband, Aaron, had their reproductive DNA taken, fertilized, tested and frozen through IVF to prepare for implantation.
Citing her TTC journey, Breanna recalled the tumultuous times they had to face trying to build a family.
1311 days, 476 injections, 64 blood draws, 7 surgical procedures, 3 rounds of harvesting eggs, 19 frozen embryos, 8 IVF frozen embryo transfers total, 4 failed embryo transfers, 1 singleton miscarriage, 1 twin miscarriage, 1 ectopic pregnancy and countless tears later, mommy came to Breanna's rescue to help her child achieve the eternal bliss of parenthood. Only a mother can understand the anguish and helplessness a child goes through while trying to create a family of their own and Julie more than stepped up.
Going the extra mile and literally carrying her child's baby for her, Julie and Breanna's story of surrogacy is nothing short of extraordinary and one of the most heartening ones we've come across. Undoubtedly all surrogates go through a great deal of challenges and sacrifices while carrying a child for another couple, however Julie is one of only a handful of grandmothers who have gone out of their way to fulfill their children's dreams of becoming parents through surrogacy.
Recalling her IVF journey, Breanna writes how her mother's candidacy as the couple's potential surrogate was turned down by most Reproductive Endocrinologists since she was over the regular cut-off age of 45, but once her own doctor met her mom and learned how the GC candidate is a marathon runner and in overall excellent health, they agreed to let her go through preliminary testing, all of which she successfully passed.
Julie is due in November and we wish the parents to be, Breanna and Aaron, a very healthy and successful remaining pregnancy.
Surrogacy is truly the most beautiful, selfless gift you can give someone yearning for parenthood. If you're a couple trying to get pregnant, connect with us today to explore through our vast pool of healthy, loving and dedicated GC candidates and help us find the best match for you.